welcome to my website!

hi everyone! im writing my final paper for university about my neocities website :~) if you're interested in the old web/indie web or part of the community please considering replying to the form! :D


i know a lot of people don't trust google but unfortunately forms was the easiest way to make the form for me... rest assured that the data i gather will ONLY be used for my research for the final paper and nothing else! also i don't think that there's any questions that are too personal. if you have any feedback don't be afraid to email me at kongruili@proton.me !

thank you for visiting and enjoy your stay!

who is ruili?

chat box


+ 22.06.2024 blog page updated: fiction does affect reality, you morons

+ 15.01.2024 blog page updated: it's quiet

+ 09.12.2023 blog page updated.

+ 16.08.2023 old music page is now the new media page! has a lot of cool stuff that i recommend :)

+ 08.07.2023 about page has a new look!

+ 07.07.2023 blog page updated! not only a new post, but the font size was updated (hope its easier to read), each post has its own page now and are in an iframe for easier updates :)

+ 19.06.2023 small update after a while. updated my website button, and made the widget into an iframe to be easier to update it in the future i guess. BUT it's still missing from some pages.

+ 30.03.2023 added a goodies page with some ads :) (they're mostly for nitroplus games)

+ 27.03.2023 major website revamp! ruili layout because the url is, well, ruili. also changed the blog page and made a new button :D

+ 19.03.2023 blog page updated!

+ 10.03.2023 links page updated, organized links by their categories, added more resources

+ 10.03.2023 added a mobile "version"! (its just a small bio)

+ 06.03.2023 shrine page layout updated, added a collage section to the music page

+ 05.03.2023 updated index, left sidebar, about page; changed music page's design, added a blog page. more to come!

+ 18.02.2023 added status.cafe widget, changed censor button position, changed position of page counter, removed a few blinkies in favor of making the chatbox longer; changed pngs in the music page, added lastfm widget

+ 18.02.2023 favicon added! (its not blue, but its super sonico. so works for me.)

+ 17.02.2023 music page updated!

+ 17.02.2023 update deployed!

+ 15.02.2023 currently re-updating the website layout!

+ 13.08.2022 new page! check out my favorite albums here! also updated some links

+ 12.08.2022 still working on the layout. trying to figure out how to fill space...

+ 11.08.2022 working on changing the layout!

+ 25.07.2022 finally live! :D

+ 25.07.2022 added a favorite character page and the about me section!

+ 25.07.2022 added a fuck ton of blinkies. Help its 4am

+ 24.07.2022 hyperfixed on finishing this. hopefully will be done in a few days.

> make links page easier to navigate and to read
> make page for my ocs
> write essay about... the thing
> update web goodies page
> remake old anime layouts
> finish saya shrine
> make sonico shrine
> make miku shrine
> make a page to show cat pictures
> make a page to show my art

hotline webring

retronaut webring