for my girlfriend

there's always that one relationship in your life, that just changes everything for you. where everything just feels, tastes and smells better. that is how i feel about us.
miel, you changed my life for the better. changed my entire world upside down. i had been single for so long, and my relationships never lasted to the point i thought i was cursed and doomed to never ever last and be single forever.
but you literally came to me in a dream. a very erotic dream. even though it was out of nowhere, i think it was a premonitory dream. i think that was when our fate was sealed to last.
thank you, for everything you've done for me, for listening to my favorite music, for enjoying stupid shows with me, for convincing me of things i previously thought were stupid into things i'm actually into.
i've lost the count of the amount of times i daydreamed about our marriage, our wedding photoshoots, our wedding dresses, our future children. i can't wait to live with you, and experiences a thousand first times with you, over and over again.
i want to enter the wedding hall and see you in that white dress that you promised. i want to put the ring on your finger. i want to hear you say yes. i want to hear you laugh. i want to hear our children laugh.
i want to hear you say you love me.
over and over again.

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